A review by lukedaloop
Captain Marvel Vol. 2: Stay Fly by Kelly Sue DeConnick


Not quite up to par with the first trade in terms of cohesiveness or grandeur, but still enjoyable as ever. The rhyming issue is a standout, but is also a perfect example of how this book struggles to meet the expectations met by the first trade. Taken individually, each story has it's own merits and rewards, but collected, it's plot seems diluted, and Carol's struggle to find herself through the disjointed stories loses the punch it had from her first story arc. The art is another standout for me; it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but all of the artists on service here do a good job of illuminating what each episode calls for from the characters. Ultimately what holds this trade back is that you can tell that is a collection of individual comic books, rather than a collected story told in chapters. That is not a bad thing, but I was expecting more after the stellar first volume.