A review by reviewsbylola
Lies My Teacher Told Me for Young Readers: Everything American History Textbooks Get Wrong by James W. Loewen, Rebecca Stefoff


I've always been interested in the original version of Lies My Teacher Told Me, but I hadn't gotten a chance to read it yet. When I saw this title available on Netgalley, I couldn't request it fast enough. I started it as soon as I was able, putting all my other ebooks aside.

Unfortunately, this book was not a good fit for me. I cant say whether I would have disliked the original book as much--was this the fault of the adapter? I can't be sure. What I will say is I would have rather read a history textbook. I thought there were some fascinating tidbits and this book did give me some issues to mull over that I thought were extremely relevant. I especially liked the last chapter. But I honestly can't imagine a young reader wanting to read this. I'm not sure how I would change the book, but it felt so dry.

I really wanted to love this one. I think it would be a good read for history teachers, It was inspiring in that regard--history classes are in need of passionate teachers that can show learners how to apply critical thinking skills to the history texts. But sadly I don't see many kids wanting to read this book.