A review by justlily
Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned by Wells Tower


I'm not usually big on short story anthologies because I never feel like I get what I need. The stories never last long enough for me to like any of the characters. And usually they're all written so...pretentiously. Like the author really has a point they want to cleverly get across but they're actually more interesting in being clever than ever getting to the point.

I didn't have any of those problems with this group of stories. The first three or four are all written from men's point of views and they all have women issues. Luckily not the kind where I get to write a review about what a misogynist the author is, although I do so love writing those. These are just...realistic. Honest. I was starting to think they would all be in the same vein but then the last couple stories had female POVs and they were just as good as the other ones. And each story was short but felt full and complete, the characters rounded out and like you knew them well by the end.

Just happened upon this book while needing something with a yellow cover and now I think I'll look into more of Wells Tower's work.