A review by ericbuscemi
Back Bay by William Martin


Back Bay alternates between a modern-day plot and a historical plot that starts in the 1800's and carries through time as the book gets nearer to the conclusion. I found this extremely frustrating, as every time I found myself getting drawn into the book, it toggled back to the historical plot-line. It made it way too easy to put the book down, especially at the beginning of the historical chapters, and hard to pick it back up. I finally sat down and forced myself to finish it over the course of one long night's reading.

Things finally started coming together in the final third of the book, with the tension of the thriller building, and the promise of the lost treasure finally surfacing. But just as I was starting to warm to the book and its alternating chapters, I reached the conclusion, and became frustrated all over again. The end is abrupt, unsatisfying, without much resolution, and suffers from the
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