A review by antonism
Nighttime in Caeli-Amur by Rjurik Davidson


A very good and almost terrifying short story by Rjurik Davidson that you can read for free at this link on Tor's website. Davidson creates an amazing atmosphere with his vibrant descriptions and strikes a perfect balance between background info exposition and plot in such a story so short. I also really liked the main character of the story, a troubled man who struggles with his own thoughts and indecisions. It almost hit a very personal tone with me. After reading his two really interesting (and free!) short stories and enjoying his writting and his worlds so much, I really can't wait until Davidson's [b:Unwrapped Sky|17910065|Unwrapped Sky|Rjurik Davidson|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1372876279s/17910065.jpg|25095518] novel comes out!