A review by michelle_e_goldsmith
Dark Faith by Jerry Gordon, Maurice Broaddus


This was an interesting anthology featuring stories exploring different aspects and kinds of faith.

The stories varied in tone and theme much more than I might have expected which kept the experience of reading it feeling 'fresh' right up to the end.

While I liked almost all the stories and poems but my personal favourites were:

'Ghosts of New York' by Jennifer Pelland,
'Go and Tell It on the Mountain' by Kyle S. Johnson,
'To the Jerusalem Crater' by Lavie Tidhar,
'You Dream' by Ekaterina Sedia,
'A Loss for Words' by J.C. Hay,
'Good Enough' by Kelli Dunlap,
'The Choir' by Lucien Soulban,
'The Days of Flaming Motorcycles' by Catherynne M. Valente,
and 'For My Next Trick I'll Need a Volunteer' by Gary A. Braunbeck