A review by sparklingreader
Bloodshot by Cherie Priest


Raylene is a much-in-demand thief. She is famous for getting what the client wants without getting caught. Plus, she just happens to be a vampire, but there are no sparkles here. She’s got attitude. She’s got aptitude. She’s got a problem.

Hired by handsome fellow vampire, Ian Stott, to steal documents concerning the experiments done to him that took his sight, she discovers a much larger conspiracy. On the run from the government, mercenaries, and other vampires, Raylene has to figure out all the pieces to a huge puzzle and how they all fit together.

This was a fun book to read. It’s definitely not the usual vampire novel. It’s edgy with all the action and adventure you want from a good suspense novel. There are enough issues to keep the pages turning and trouble around every corner. The only reason I didn’t grade it higher was the ending. Although satisfactory, it left so many loose ends dangling that you know you’re going to see more of Raylene and Ian. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it was a surprise in that I didn’t know going in that this was going to be a series. Once again, the people in marketing ruined what could have otherwise been an incredible read. So a caveat to the readers – pick this up. You’ll enjoy it. But be forewarned that not all the loose ends are tied up and it is obviously part of a bigger series.