A review by theseventhl
The Atomic Weight of Love by Elizabeth J. Church


Actual rating: 3.5 out of 5.

I loved that this book spent most of its pages in Los Alamos, post-World War 2, a setting and time period I rarely see in fiction narratives. I thought the corvid study information was well done and interesting.

But I didn't really like any of the characters, the romantic angles left me feeling frustrated, and I wish there was more nuance in the depiction of scientists overall. I don't think it helped that the most prominent scientist character - the MC's husband - embodied a lot of the worst stereotypes about scientists. Also, holy shit, every time a fat character is described or talked to, the fatphobia in the narrative just JUMPS OUT. Let fat people live without constantly commenting on their bodies, book!

But the book itself was well written on a craft level, and it's very obvious from the descriptions of the New Mexican landscapes and local life that the author is a LA native.

In the end, I am left conflicted and frustrated with how the story wound up, but intrigued as to whatever else this author has to say.