A review by mehsi
Fifty Shames of Earl Grey: A Parody by Andrew Shaffer, Fanny Merkin


2020 reread! This was great fun and just what I needed at this moment. I love all the references in the book from Twilight to well anything Tom Cruis (Earl Grey has a big man crush on him) and finding those references and then giggling in delight that the author used them. Anna is such a nitwit, I at times wondered how she knew how to breathe as she didn't seem to know the most basic of things. It amazed me she was able to live mostly on her own (with a roommate but given the roommate... I will count it as living on her own) and going to university.
The romance was silly, over the top and full of cliches and tropes and I loved it. It was meant to be parody so I don't mind the instant love this time.
Earl Grey was possessive and a tad mean and way too loaded (in more than one way) and didn't know that tailored condoms were a bad idea which had me in stitches. This guy, so full of himself, yet doesn't know that.
I loved that Anna was not impressed by his Fifty Shames and that he kept trying to convince her that he was an evil person, while she was just shrugging her shoulders and telling him they didn't live in 1950. :P
I am just sad there never really was a normal sequel to follow this one. I would have loved more.


Just wow.. wow.

I never will read the Fifty Shades books, but I was really interesting in a parody book about it.
And what a ride. Like I was reading some superhero comic that added sex and romance and silliness mixed together in one colourful blend.

Some things were just unbelievable, but all in all it was an interesting and fun read.
Loved the twilight references/parodies, really silly. Also finding/reading all the references/parodies was interesting. :)

I might even try the second book (whenever it comes out).

I would recommend it to everyone (though I wouldn't suggest it to people under 18, there are enough scenes that are quite graphic).