A review by finesilkflower
Maggie: Diary 3 by Ann M. Martin, Jeanne Betancourt


Maggie has a romantic comedy with a movie star.

This is probably the California Diary with the most traditional plot. When Maggie's movie producer dad introduces her to the young cast from his new teen romantic comedy, Maggie is sure she won't like them--she finds actors phony--but star Tyler Kendall is a disarmingly sweet down home boy fresh from the farm in Iowa. Traditional romantic comedy structure suggests that she should have a sweet getting to know you montage followed by conflict/misunderstanding followed by getting together, which is sort of what happens, but it's not exactly that linear. As Maggie dates Tyler, she struggles with her tendency to assume the worst in everyone (continually suspecting Tyler of being phony, etc.), and her sudden place in the spotlight as an actor's love interest, and in her father's world that she's tried so hard to avoid.

I don't have much to say about this one. It wasn't terrible, but I didn't find it terribly interesting. Maybe it's because there's not an awful lot of the other characters.

Author Gratefully Acknowledges: Jeanne Betancourt

Timing: April 20 to May 23

Revised Timeline: According to my calculations, the girls are about 23 at this point. I actually think that's an age that works really well for this plotline; say Maggie has spent her entire adolescence trying to escape from her father's world. This timeline actually gives her enough time to make a change in her feelings. And those rootless first few years after college are a time when many young adults return home and confront their pasts. I could certainly see an effective romantic comedy about a formerly-rebellious producer's daughter who finds herself doing the last thing she thought she'd do, dating a movie star, while visiting/living with her parents after grad. It could even be the same movie; all those teen movie actors are in their 20s anyway. The idea of an actual 15-year-old playing a 15-year-old in a movie is laughable.