A review by kynan
Very Good, Jeeves! by P.G. Wodehouse


The best of the series so far I think! There are no repeats or retreads, although some of the characters and events from previous stories are referred to so it's worth reading these in order, if only to understand the backstory.

If you've read the prior books in the series then you'll know what's coming; As with the previous entries, Bertie will be involved in some trouble, probably involving an aunt, and Jeeves will endeavour to extricate him from it, usually to Jeeves' best advantage. There're no alarms and no surprises here, the formula is well-entrenched but the joy of the story is very much in the telling and Jonathan Cecil's narration absolutely elevates this audiobook from a narration to a performance

These stories are a wonderful accompaniment to walking the dog or any, if possible, strolling through London and imagining more frivolous times.