A review by sonice
Carrie by Stephen King


4.5 stars. I hadn't ever read this although I did see the movie a number of times as a kid (thanks for that, Dad). Typically I find that any given book will be better than it's adaptation, with limited exceptions, and boy was that ever the case here.

Even knowing how it was all going to shake out in the end, my heart just broke for Carrie as everybody in her life bullies her both physically and emotionally, starting from a very young age, to the point where at 18 years old she's so damaged...it actually hurt to read and think about how people in the real world go though things like this (minus the TK/Mass Murder etc obviously). You can feel her pain radiating off the pages. Right up to the end, she's really just a little girl inside who wants her Momma to love her. She wants to be accepted by her peers. She wants to feel like she's not completely alone. And the world fails her horribly, again and again, until finally she snaps. You want her to stop, and yet you want her to have her revenge. You know what she is doing will end poorly for everyone, including Carrie herself, but you feel like somehow it was always going to end this way. It was inevitable.

This definitely made an impact on me and I expect I'll be thinking about it for a few days to come.