A review by labtracks
Dreamland by Kevin Baker


I guess Dec 4 isn't the date I finished this book as much as it is the date I completely gave up on this book.
I can count on one hand the number of books I have voluntarily not finished in my lifetime. Some of those I still have and intend to try again later. That is a short-list that a book doesn't want to be on, but this one not only is on it, but has to be close to one of the worst and will be immediately going to Goodwill (is it really goodwill to give such a terrible book?)

There really isn't much to say about this mess. I actually made it 257 pages into this book hoping it would get better and with every intention that I was not going to give up, especially after reading so much. But as I look at this book lying next to me I just would never forgive myself if I wasted that much more time trying to finish this.

The back touts this as historical fiction and knowing that there actually was a Dreamland in NY I guess I was kind of hoping for a "Devil in the White City" type of book... a nice mix of facts and fiction which would put this into the 5 star category. Instead, after 257 pages the only historical fact type things I can find in here is that there actually was a Dreamland, which isn't really referenced all that much... other than that this really is a result of a Dreamland of other sorts... a completely fictional, and nonsensical one.
Clearly his writing style is not for me. Good thing there are so many good books in the world!