A review by theartolater
The Rig by Joe Ducie


What would you call a prison break story that's also a super soldier story that's also sort of like The Hunger Games but really more like any other dystopia going? I think The Rig tries to be that. It's a solid story about a kid, jailed multiple times for multiple questionable offenses, who uncovers a pretty crazy secret at the oil rig-style prison he's stuck on in the Arctic Ocean. The secret is more than a little bit of a game changer and really changes the tone of the story completely, but is still pretty interesting on its own.

The book is pretty straightforward in its action and dialogue, making it ripe for reluctant readers of a certain age. The twist in the very end is a strange one, but one I didn't *not* enjoy. Without being able to fully root for anyone, it creates an odd space where you feel like you're more of an observer than fully immersed or engaged, but that might be more me than the book. Overall, there are a lot of readers who might be excited for this. As an adult reader, there might not be a ton here for you, though.