A review by gothauthor
Death Love Lust by Catherine Stovall, Jaclyn Osborn, Jenn Nixon, Lily Lutes, Patrick Tumblety, Charlotte Ondac, Libby Bishop, Aurelia Fray, Olivia Harper, Michael Cross, Iskra Ryder, Victoria Kinnaird, Jen L. Joyal, Emma Michaels


I received an ARC for an honest review.

An assortment of delicious stories and poems that are sure to please!
As the title suggests, each piece of this collection involves a gruesome death, undying love, or a passionate sexual need. Some contain all three. Each author brought their own voice, their own style to this anthology and though every story contained the same central themes, they were each unique. Some brought tears, some brought a sense of longing, some brought terror, and some brought lust. Every work contained in this collection grasped me firmly and held me, riveted, to the page.
I was captivated from the start, each story and poem leaving me in a dreamy daze of contemplation. I recommend reading it in the dark.