A review by ellyrarg
Dreams Before the Start of Time by Anne Charnock


Did not love this book. I felt like the book pulled you in, but as it progressed between the time periods it didn’t give you time to acclimatise to the new characters and moved way too quickly through.

The science fiction of it was... not very science-fictiony. The concept of growing children outside the womb in artificial wombs, dna doctoring, exoskeletons and fancy virtual pa’s... none of that is new, and felt like the book didn’t build on or grown any of these concepts. It felt like it had been slotted in from a science fiction concept buffet.

I did love the characters though, especially from he first time period, they way they reasoned and worked out their predicaments and hopes and loves and all the rest of it.

The ending was anticlimactic, in that it wasn’t an ending. There was no build or pace change, it just stopped what felt like mid story.

Probably wouldn’t read again.