A review by jmanchester0
Baaaad Muthaz by Damian Duffy, Bill Campbell


I had to pull up James Brown's Get On Up to read this!

And can I just say...

I love it!

OK, so it's not without it's problems. It jumps around at times. Sometimes it's a bit convoluted and hard to follow.

But, damn! It's just so fun and colorful and amazing.

It's really different from anything I've ever read, really.

It's experimental, and different, and just hits you right in the face with how crazy it is.

Once again, this is why I'm on NetGalley.

I'll definitely be picking up a copy of this when it's available in print. It's the kind of thing you want on your shelf.

Thanks to NetGalley and Rosarium Publishing for a copy in return for an honest review.