A review by hlparis
Being Perfect by Anna Quindlen


Another antidote to being perfect. "Pursuing perfection makes you unforgiving to others." I really like Anna Quindlen's writing style and don't always agree with everything that she says, but it makes me think. This short little tome is no different. A small volume of photos and creative non-fiction, focused on what many people seem to spend their life pursuing. After all, we grow up learning to do things the "right" way, getting as close to perfect on tests as we possibly can, etc. Who can blame us for trying to keep doing what we are taught and have drilled into us for years? The thing is, there are more stimuli in our culture than ever and it effects us on every level. And achieving perfection while trying to master dozens of things all at once is just not reasonable...or healthy.

It comes down to doing your best. Whatever that looks like in any given moment, in any situation. And if you make a mistake, trying to learn from it. Because mistakes are human.