A review by kindredbooks
My Bindi by Gita Varadarajan


I received a copy of My Bindi by Gita Varadarajan and illustrated by Archana Sreenivasan from Scholastic Canada in exchange for an honest review.

Divya loves her mom's bindi but she has some reservations about wearing one too, afraid of how her friends at school may react. With her parent's encouragement, she finds the courage to pick one that calls out to her like the sun and wears it to school. She is a mix of feelings - pride in her culture but also scared of the reaction that it may cause. When she does get to school, there is a lot of curiousity and questions that are asked about her bindi and Divya explains what the bindi is, something that her mother was able to explain to her. 

This story about cultural acceptance is so important in a society that encourages its individuals to conform. Respect and understanding for other cultures is a big part in ensuring that all individuals - young and old - can practice their cultures and feel pride in doing so. I absolutely loved this inspiring story about young Divya and I am sure that this story will inspire many young girls and boys.