A review by timap
Pets in Space 5 by S.E. Smith


Reaper by Regine Abel 5 stars
I’ve read the other books in the series that this story is a companion to. I believe it stands alone but I’m probably not the best assessor. I loved this story. I’d been waiting for the male lead’s (Reaper) story for a while now and am thrilled with it. I enjoyed the female lead – the strength she demonstrated contrasted against her self-esteem issues – and the cultural differences that the characters had to negotiate. The story is low conflict, just a beautiful tale of how a relationship can develop, with a secondary animal character second chance romance in the background that is heartfelt and tear-jerking. Dual POV, well written and edited. This story was the main reason I was interested in the anthology and it did not disappoint.

Galactic Search and Rescue by Carol von Natta 4 stars
This story is set against a background of a corrupt organisation with a distrust, if not outright hatred, of psychics. The male and female lead are both psychics working in galactic search and rescue along with his companion animals and a pilot. When they are sent as a group to complete a rescue, the mission explodes and they come to the realisation of just how much they have come to care for each other. There were some awkward moments and some funny ones and the secondary characters play a huge part in making this story a success. Dual POV, well written and edited

The King’s Quest by S.E Smith 3 stars
This is a quirky little story set in a larger world of which I have not read the other stories. It is well written, and I didn’t feel that I was missing much. It was funny and cute, and I enjoyed the way the characters interacted, especially the female lead with the animal companion. Primarily male lead POV.

Dark Ambitions by Michelle Diener 3 stars
This is a slice of life story that follows on from a story that I have not read. This story was well written and, whilst it was clear there was back story I was missing, it did not significantly affect my enjoyment of this one. It is primarily female lead POV. I’ll admit this story didn’t do a lot for me. It wasn’t bad, just not quite my thing

Star Cruise: Return Voyage by Jean D. Walker 4 stars
Written primarily from male lead POV, I liked the premise of this story. It is part of series but these characters/story stood alone. It was well written and intriguing enough that I went and had a look at the rest of the series and may well follow them up when I’ve got a bit of time. It was clever, though the resolution was simple – I suppose that might be appropriate for the world – having read nothing else by this author, I can’t be certain. I liked that these characters were both working through their own historic traumas and that they tried to work together.

General’s Holiday by Pauline Baird Jones 3 stars
This one I just found weird. I understand that that’s part of the mind trip for the characters but I didn’t really enjoy it. It was still well written and edited, just not really my thing.

Juggernaut by Laurie A. Green 3 stars
I enjoyed the story but the jargon created for it seemed a touch unnecessary and jarring. I enjoyed the characters and their interactions. The secondary characters were interesting but not critical and the animal companion was a clever invention. Dual POV, well written and edited.

Pastfinders by Alexis Glynn Latner 4 stars
This story was clever. I really enjoyed the female lead character’s psychic gift and how it interacted with the secondary characters. I appreciated how the male lead worked to overcome his PTSD and blocked memory. And the service animal companion was also a wonderful creation. The secondary characters were engaging and engaged, with the story not just revolving around the main characters relationship but all of their relationships. Dual POV, well written and edited, and a joy to read with a clever resolution

Mittens not included by JC Hay 3 stars
I appreciated how much effort the author put into sensitivity whilst writing about trans characters and trans aware characters. I will admit, I did feel like I was struggling through most of this story and only received clarity on reading the author’s note after the story had finished. It was, nevertheless, a sweet story with animal companion cuteness, as required for this anthology.

Finding Mogha by Kyndra Hatch 4 stars
This story was just adorable. I really enjoyed all the creatures described as well as the protagonists. The male/female interactions were cute, mediated by their animal companions and an AI presence. I haven’t read anything by this author prior to this story but the writing was so clear and engaging that I didn’t feel confused or uninformed at any point. This story was dual POV, well written and edited, and enough to encourage me to have a look at what else this author has written.

Rate of Return by Cassandra Chandler 4 stars
This was the first story I have read from this author as well. It was so funny in a constant chuckle sense, rather than a laughing hysterically sense. I enjoyed the character interactions and especially the animal companion. The serious theme of reparation and reconciliation really resonated with me. It was dual POV, well written and edited and a really enjoyable read.

Glitch by Leslie Chase 4 stars
An enemies-to-lovers tale with an AI animal, well written and edited, and dual POV, this story was a lovely end to the collection. I’ll admit that I wasn’t really expecting a lot – too often the story at the end of a collation like this is just disappointing or not in line with the theme of the rest – but this was a great surprise. I appreciated the male lead’s patience and persistence in the face of the female lead’s lack of interest.

I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for this honest review.