A review by bookertsfarm
Family Pets by Jim Campbell, Sarah Dill, Pat Shand


This was basically a cute, quick read and I think it would make a great introduction of graphic novels to the middle grade set. Though some misguided magic, Thomasina's family are turned into pets one night, while her pet snake Sebastian, ends up becoming human. Thomasina, Sebastian and a friend from school go about righting this wrong and along the way, Thomasina grows to appreciate her extended family even more.

The artwork in this book is good, but it is done in black and white and I think color would have greatly enhanced the reading enjoyment. Sebastian is a great character and it's amazing how much he looks like a snake, even as an adult. I had a hard time while reading this book remembering that Thomasina is 16 - it's easier to conceive her as somewhere in the 12-14 range.

If you like graphic novels or if you want to introduce a child to this media, this is a great place to start. I snagged it from the library which is where I get most graphic novels because I feel they are too pricey for something you can usually read in an hour or so.