A review by audreyintheheadphones
Conundrum by Jeff Crook


But more like 2.5 stars.

The first half of the book, is fun: comically severed heads (I am 9), gnomish inventions gone six different kinds of haywire, Palanthas, glow-worms, giant octopi and reinventing scuba gear.

The second half of the book is grim and humorless and for the love of all things holy, people, a winch is a windlass turned by a crank to hoist things, and a wench is a country lass or working girl, so:

Conundrum and Commodore Brigg were helping the professor modify one of the ascending kettles so that it could be lowered by means of a wench attached to the stern of the Indestructible

sets my teeth on edge. Ymmv.

Plus everyone needs to quit hating on gully dwarves. Y'all are mean.

And do I even need to mention that two of the three female characters in the book are both killed on the same page they're introduced? One of them gets the luxury of a name, the other is -- and I am being charitable here -- coerced into a wizard's bed, then when she wakes up to the coercing, he tosses her out the window. I would have greatly enjoyed the story more had she tossed the wizard. The third character appears in the last two pages of the book, nameless.

Still, it's really hard for me to not enjoy scuba-open-water-drowning-town exploration stories, especially when they involve gnomes, who I maintain don't get enough Dragonlance love in the first place.