A review by warriorpickle
D'Aulaires' Book of Norwegian Folktales by Peter Christian Asbjornden


3.5 Stars

Once on a time there was a boy named Caleb. Caleb was part Norwegian and was always fascinated with that part of himself. So, one day Caleb, decided to take the Norwegian folktale book from his parents house and finally read it. He had been looking at it for far to long and he finally decided to man up and read the whole thing from cover to cover no matter how long it would take. Because truly this young boy did enjoy folktales as well as fairy tales no matter the origin.

Young Caleb found out something about himself while reading his Norwegian folktale book. No, it wasn't that he fell in love with trolls from the stories. Or that he was disgusted that there were plenty of stories that had characters chop their heads off in order to reveal themselves as beautiful princesses. Nay, it wasn't even that Cinderlad happened to be in 80% of the stories. No, it was that having a book of short stories on the side is a wonderful, brilliant thing to do. Especially when he has a monster book that he is reading and needs to take a break from. He found a short story or a folktale every once in a while kept him from going into a book slump.

And after all that he lived well and happily together with his books a long, long, time, and if he's not dead, why, he's alive and reading still.