A review by bookfever
A Killer First Date by Alyxandra Harvey


So this e-book finds place after the third book in The Drake Chronicles series: "Out For Blood", which by the way is my favorite of the series so far. The story follows Lucy and Nicholas and also Hunter and Quinn. They all go on their first real date on a carnival. Of course it doesn't turn out the way they all want.
I was really happy to read more about Quinn and Hunter because Quinn is my favorite Drake brother and I think Hunter is the perfect girl for him. I just love the way they are together. And Quinn is the reason why Out For Blood is my favorite Drake book.
As always the story was excellent. A fast, cute read.
I was really excited to read this one because I love The Drake Chronicles a lot. Actually, I just love everything Alyxandra Harvey writes. She never ever has disappoint me with any of her books and I've read all of them. All five stars. So be sure to check them out!