A review by blynecessity
The Tree by Na'amen Gobert Tilahun


This book did not suffer from a sophomore slump, so yay! And it was full of plot development for old and new characters. Aaaand, there was def more than enough action, but... Something was missing. There wasn't as much character development as I thought the story required, there were, like, a dozen POVs throughout the book, and the editing process seemed rushed. E.g., in addition to 20 or so typos (things like "boe" instead of "bone" and "theyre" instead of "they're") there was a scene where a character who had just died contributed to a conversation without the benefit of being a ghost or in anyway present. And there was a character who was introduced towards the end of the book but who was never formally introduced. However, a few chapters later, the author writes about his conversation with a main character and only uses his name, without ever connecting the new character we'd met a few chapters back to this unintroduced new character. Context leads us to assume that these are the same characters, but it's uncertain.
The book was good, not great.