A review by sam_hartwig
Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart


It's hard to rate a book like this. I was hooked from the beginning because of the backwards writing style and how we (the reader) are slowly given facts this way. But then as the book goes along you're not sure what to believe as truth or fact because Jule is a master liar and is extremely unreliable. I also had so many questions that I felt didn't get answered, or maybe they did but I can't remember everything because of the way the book was written. I feel like I have to read it again and take notes just to get a timeline of what happened to who and what was "real".

It was also clear to me from fairly early on in the book what happened to Imogen, but the actual scene was absolutely brutal! I knew it had to be because of what happened to Brooke. Jule is a psycho!!

The ending was the big let down. It felt very rushed and I was left slightly deflated. I'm not entirely sure if I was happy or annoyed that Jule got away with everything.

One thing I know for sure is that I'm glad my book club is reading this book because it's going to have a great discussion, and maybe someone can shed some light on the many questions I have.