A review by rebekahisreading
The Cemetery Boys by Z Brewer


The Cemetery Boys is the story of seventeen year old Stephen, who is transplanted to the small and secluded town of Spencer, Michigan from Denver, Colorado when his mother is committed to a mental institution and his father can no longer afford to live in the city. Stephen and his father move into Stephen’s grandmother’s house. His grandmother is a stickler for cleanliness and, from the beginning, has a distaste for all that Stephen does. Stephen quickly finds a home among supposed friends when he meets Cara and her twin brother, Devon. Although he likes Cara, Stephen feels a compulsion to impress Devon and his friends and begins spending time with them at the Spencer graveyard, known as the Playground.

Stephen senses bad things are happening in Spencer when he finds Devon’s notebook filled with drawings of wings, dead people, and macabre poems. The inhabitants of Spencer believe in The Winged Ones, large creatures that supposedly bring bad times to the town and can only be appeased by a human sacrifice.

The Cemetery Boys is a very interesting book that I would definitely recommend to people fifteen and under. Although I enjoyed the story of this book, I think that the quality of writing is definitely meant for a younger person. Brewer knows how to drag you into her world kicking and screaming, but enjoying it the whole time. It definitely gave me a sense of unease when I read it late at night. But the writing, including the vocabulary and the way the characters spoke, was not up to the standard of the content.

The Cemetery Boys is an intriguing book which pulls you in straight from the vague and interesting prologue. I truly enjoyed the content and Heather Brewer knows her world and her characters very well and knows the flaws and characteristics that will make them interesting. I enjoyed this book and I finished it in only three days. I would have given this book would have gotten a 3.5/5, but I believe that the writing knocked it down a few points for me.

The content of this book is certainly a pull and it truly is interesting. But it just didn't appeal to me.