A review by ameserole
#GoodGirlBadBoy by Yesenia Vargas



#GoodGirlBadBoy was such a good book. I'm so happy that I randomly took a chance on this series because I fell, hard. In it, you will meet Harper and Emerson (spoiler alert - lol!). Long story short, Harper has really good grades... and Emerson doesn't.

After transferring to a new school, they have noticed one another. Whether it was good or bad - I shipped it. It was getting a bit annoying when people were telling her that he doesn't do relationships. It's not like she was trying to change him in one day.. damn people! They just liked looking at one another. Maybe flirt here or there. They were cute and adorable - LET THEM LIVE!

Low and behold, she changed him. Those bitches never saw it coming. I enjoyed it so much. Harper just made me laugh so much in this book. Her okays towards Emerson were just hilarious. She was so freaking relatable to me and probably others. Everyone will act like they understand but deep down inside, know nothing. That's me EVERY DAY.

Overall, I loved this book. I think there's a novella or something before the series ends?? Not quite sure but I want to read it if I can find it!!