A review by vidholf
Beneath Ceaseless Skies Issue #229 by Theodore McCombs, Scott H. Andrews, R.B. Lemberg


I highly recommend the audio version of this story, read by C.S.E. Cooney. I cannot imagine a better voice for the tale told; I got goosebumps within the first 30 seconds. Cooney conveys the power that the protagonist holds, the power held in each of the main characters, the power held by their adversaries. http://www.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com/audio/bcs-200-a-portrait-of-the-desert-in-personages-of-power/

This story has layers. I found my attention wandering at times in the first half, not quite yet used to the rhythm of the tale - only to be gut-gripped by how important something became later, in the nuance, the weight, the delivery, the texture of a moment. The inflection of the meaning changes in the telling.

This story has everything I look for in a drama: focused on relationships, exquisite in the tension between individuals, and beautifully told where prose feels drawn taut by poems. It is the only story I can think of that has gotten the dynamics of trust right.

If you read for character, if you fall into the sensuousness of words, if unbridled strength seems always rooted upon utter vulnerability... Read this. Listen to it.