A review by misterjay
Berlin Is Never Berlin by Marko Kloos


This is the second of the modern (post-2015) Wild Cards short stories that I've read and it's a lot of fun. There's not a lot of room in short stories for really expanding worlds, so Kloos plays it safe by filling the wings with a lot of archetypes and cliches so as to allow the main character room to subvert those same archetypes. It works pretty well.

We see the world from the point of view of a Joker-Ace - someone who received an enormous benefit at an enormous cost from the Wild Card virus - in the form of the protagonist, who's entire left side is that of a tiger. He's very fast and very strong, but also incapable of blending into the crowd.

We also see hints of how the world of the Wild Cards might further expand through a brief encounter with the official German agency that polices Europe's altered people. Lots of fun. Call this story a four out of five and a good entry point to the series in general for new readers.