A review by kellen_green
Twelve by Andrea Blythe


What happens after the "happily ever after" is a very adult question and in fairy tales we rather not ask it... But, not this time, now we know what happened to the 12 dancing princesses and how that can be a greater lesson to us.

In this, short story, the author teaches us that that "ever after" holds a dark side, not only as part of the rapture between the real and the fantastic worlds, but also in a very female empowering way.

Twelve, shows us in a very fluent and "tale-ish" way, the destiny of each of the dancers, taking in to account the effect of the trauma that their situation brought and each personality trait, making each destiny a very different story.

A great way to provide a moral on how our decisions, habits and strengths can lead us to a self-destructive, isolationist or traumatic result.

A story I would like to reread many more times!

An e-ARC of this book was kindly provided by Netgalley in exchange of an honest review