A review by allmadhere106
You Know Where to Find Me by Rachel Cohn


Miles and Laura grew up more like sisters than the cousins they really are and they were inseparable until about high school age. Miles feels like Laura is far too perfect with her thin frame, happy (outward) demeanor, and popularity while Miles is a self-proclaimed chubby girl who is both goth and unfriendly. When Laura suddenly kills herself, Miles is hurt and confused by Laura not inviting her along for the ride. She must also deal with her drug addictions and her beliefs that no one truly cares for her when many of the events we see point to the contrary.

The book was a new take on dealing with a loved one's suicide since the majority of the book was Miles hating Laura or mourning not dying herself. Miles's problems with overeating and drugs also gave the book more complex additions, but there was a lot going on here. Overall, I liked the character because she seemed realistic and she was also a different kind of heroine than the ones that I usually see. However, I don't feel like I want to be in her head again right away nor did I feel like I wanted to be there all the time when I was, but maybe that was the overall point. I would suggest reading it for the themes of dealing with suicide and the loss of a loved one, but I have seen other texts that do so in a more engaging way. Perhaps read the book for actually having a plus size character since we don't see those very often, but it wasn't shown in a positive light so it kind of doesn't help in those regards either. I'm torn because I like a lot of Cohn's other works, but I find that she is best shown through her uses of humor and those didn't come through as often here, hence my lukewarm review.