A review by sleepingnerd
The Broken Hours: A Novel of H. P. Lovecraft by Jacqueline Baker



I’m not gonna say this book was completely terrible: the writing was good, for one, it was fairly quick to read, and Flossie is a ray of sunshine in the middle of all this gray. I also can see other people liking this if they’re interested in Lovecraft and for some of the clever narrative devices used.

But y’all, I was so bored. All the time. I just didn’t care about the characters or what they were doing. Arthor was an asshole and I didn’t even feel pity for him, and Lovecraft is worse than the dirty beneath my shoe, so there’s that. I just genuinely didn’t care about a single thing that was going on in this book, and that obviously ruins the whole experience. The ending was confusing and left me with a bunch of questions I didn’t even really bother to see answered. All in all, very yikes.

Book club pick for December.