A review by katyanaish
Vital Found by Kaydence Snow


I liked this one a lot more than I thought I would. I felt like there was less random stupidity with the characters - less of them missing a totally obvious thing right in front of their face - and the Alec situation played out better than I could have hoped it would.

I'm not going to say I like him, or even that I want him with Eve. But I will say that I believe what he said, I believe that he's trying, and most of all I am gratified that Eve didn't just roll over and let him walk all over her.

I've said this in reviews for other books that have this problem (the strong female lead hurling herself repeatedly at someone who treats her like complete garbage): it isn't that the alpha-hole thing doesn't ever work for me. It can. But it only works for me when the lead female has the self-respect to stand up to the asshole. To not pant after him and forgive everything because she's so eager to get into his pants ... to not let sex wipe the slate clean. If they work it out as equals, that can be an amazing story.

My one quibble is that Tyler treated Eve as if she was half the problem - there was one time when he yelled for them to both stop acting like children, and I wanted to punch him in the throat. That's not fair, and it is a gross mischaracterization - Eve was the victim of all his bullshit. They weren't both to blame. And Tyler putting it that way made me worry that Eve was going to roll over and apologize when she did nothing wrong.

Happily, it didn't play out like that.

So with those things from the first book (out-of-character stupidity to serve the plot, and heroine panting after douchebag) not an issue in this book, I loved it. I cried, I laughed, I was utterly riveted. Can't wait to see how the trilogy wraps up.