A review by ridgewaygirl
The New World by Chris Adrian


When Jane's husband, Jim, dies suddenly she barely has time to reach the hospital before she discovers that a cryogenics company has already taken his head. What follows is a back and forth between Jane and Jim's' experiences in the following weeks, as well as a look back at their relationship.

The New World: A Novel by Chris Adrian and Eli Gottlieb is a very short novel about the nature of our connectedness with the people who share our lives. Upon arriving in his new world, Jim is informed that in order to move forward, he will need to forget all the relationships and memories that make him who he is. And Jane engages in a desperate and seemingly futile battle to retrieve her husband's head.

This is an inventive novel, but less inventive than it might be, it's brevity requiring that none of the ideas presented be fully developed. Still, it was entertaining enough, even if the relationships that form the centre of the novel were somewhat shallowly drawn.