A review by rcsreads
Circus Shoes by Noel Streatfeild


I really enjoyed this Shoes book. It took us a while to get through because I kept getting throat infections and not being able to read aloud.
This one follows Peter and Santa, my children found the fact a girl was called Santa hilarious at the start of the book! Their aunt, who's been raising them, dies and they're being sent to separate orphanages so they run away to join the circus where their uncle is a trapeze artiste.
We enjoyed the story of the children, who started out a bit snobbish but they both developed well and became much more down to earth. By the end of the book they loved the circus and it became their home. The last couple of chapters were a bit depressing and super dramatic but, as with all the Shoes books, everyone got what they wanted in the end.
I really appreciated the positive portrayal of the traveling community and the people who worked in the circus. All the foreign children were really smart and talented and went to school every day. I didn't have to edit any of it for racism or sexism as I read which is a problem I frequently have with our children's Classics.
I'd definitely recommend this one for your bedtime story and it would be a nice one for those who can read to read themselves.