A review by wrentheblurry
Legends of Zita the Spacegirl by Ben Hatke


First off, I love Ben Hatke's artwork. He does cute, weird, and sinister all equally well. He's also a fine writer, and crafted another wonderful Zita adventure, yay! This time, Zita is dealing with the affects of her fame from saving a planet from an asteroid in her previous space adventure. An emulator robot imprints on her photo, and she swaps places with it, only to realize that was not the best course of action. There's a bit of humor (I adore the sad face in the caption in the bottom right panel on page 79), and plenty action, as well as strong ties to friendship.

It's a quick read, whose potential disappointment that it's over is somewhat dampened by the extra sketches at the back of the book. I hope to see LOTS more of Madrigal (space pirate? space gypsy?) in the future; she seems like my kind of gal.