A review by belinda
Barefoot in the Rain by Roxanne St. Claire


I read this book yesterday and I can honestly not remember the name of a single character (maybe Lacey? Laney? I think there was a Tess or an Olivia). That really tells you all you need to know about this book - it's a good genre novel that gets the job done without any surprises, either pleasant or disappointing or (apparently) memorable.

One thing that did get a fairly long side-eye was the depiction in the book of Alzheimer's turning a man from an abusive monster into a lovely loveable old chap. Umm...that's not what Alzheimer's does and anyone who has had to care for someone with late-stage dementia may feel the need to hurl this book at the nearest wall. For me, the ridiculous depiction of Alzheimer's sufferers is just as much of a fantasy as any of the relationships of the book so it didn't really bother me much.