A review by capricious_conundrums
The Changeover by Margaret Mahy


I've been wanting to read this book in ages (because I found an interesting Harry Potter fan fiction that starred the two main characters) and I was very delighted to find it in my local library. This book is just.. wow. The UST between Laura and Sorry is so thick that you can probably cut it with a knife! And how Sorry's past affected him. Wow. This book was better than I thought it would be.

I'm sad that there's no sequel, but I understand it would be unrealistic to push them both into another complication. Plus, I'm sure a sequel for this book would probably have been quite hard to write and droning to read. Which is why I'm even more happy to read to that slight crossover with Harry Potter fan fiction, because not only does it have Harry/Hermione, it also delves substantially into Laura/Sorry and it also incorporates the Changeover beautifully into the plot. And now I know I'm babbling about something that is not relevant to to a book review. Yeah.

And Sorry's such a smart-ass. An amazing, funny (albeit annoying) trait that a boy can have ;)