A review by sandeeisreading
Batman, Volume 5: Zero Year: Dark City by Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV


final rating: 4 stars

▪ i didn't connect with this as much as the first one for some reason.
▪ my main issue is that i didn't think the Riddler was a compelling villain. sure, he did a lot of shit. he was always one step ahead of Batman. however, i just didn't buy all the things he's done as well as his reasons for doing them. he is insane, clearly, but you get what i mean right? there wasn't enough substance to what he was trying to do.
▪ there were just a lot of what the fuck moments. how the hell did Batman survive that shit??? there were a lot of instances in this that he should have been dead. yet here he is alive, not well, but alive.
▪ one thing i really liked about this volume was the flashbacks he's had with his parents. those were all good
▪ another plus is his relationship with Alfred and how it evolved overtime.
▪ Comissioner Gordon is always a favorite. but like Batman, there were a lot of times you wonder how he got away with things.

overall thoughts

i liked it, but not as much as secret city. the parts where we ses bruce's past was always good to read about, the other parts were okay i guess. they just didn't wow me.