A review by booknerdqueen
The End Of Things As She Knew Them by Justin Boote, Angel Van Atta


A must read and add to your tbr

This is Abbie’s POV

A postapocalyptic setting (the world has we know it is crashing/burning down) filled with aliens, zombies, crazy animals, sex addict maniacs and a weirdass cult. Two lovers (Jeremy and Abbie) separated by an ocean with only form to communicate with each other is through emails (of all the communication methods we have in today’s world).

Written in a format of email exchanges I wasn’t sure how this story would go or evolve but was I surprised. Both authors (Booth and Van Atta) created a masterpiece of a story. Both books are the same and not with each being a POV of either Jeremy or Abbie. This book being Abbie’s POV felt less scary (like how I would act in this kind of situation) while reading reading. The best part of both books are the journal entries.

These were my first books from both authors and they did not disappoint. Both Booth and Van Atta jave become my top favorite authors and while definitely read their entire books collection.

If you’re looking for a different vibe (style of writting) but also want to start reading mild extreme horror (there’s still lots of gruesome scenes-check trigger warnings) these books are for you