A review by whimsicalmeerkat
The Pale King by David Foster Wallace


I would like to be able to give this book 4 stars, and I think I would have been able to had it been completed. As it is, it is a posthumously published unfinished novel and that is, at times, a detractor. That being said, I enjoyed reading it and will definitely be reading more works by [a:David Foster Wallace|4339|David Foster Wallace|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1301424629p2/4339.jpg]. He proved to be witty, cutting, insightful, and entertaining. The backdrop of the IRS and its overlapping bureaucratic denizens all vying for power made for a wonderful world rich in a sort of stale despair. I am looking forward to [b:Infinite Jest|6759|Infinite Jest|David Foster Wallace|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1165604485s/6759.jpg|3271542] far more than I was previously.