A review by jbliv
Hater by David Moody


First, Hater is not really a novel. It's part of a novel (I assume) . For me, that breaks trust with the reader, so I won't be back. Not that I mind a series. Take McCammon's Matthew Corbett series, for example, the difference being that each book is a standalone novel, one of merit in its own right. Or take King's Green Mile - - at least he telegraphed that one well in advance. But this, a full price $10 book? No way.

Next, the first two thirds of the book is pure exposition, devoid of any direct main character involvement in the plot. Everything happens off screen, and we learn mostly through cable news, or third person stories shoved into the narrative. It's quite shocking, the lack of direct action for the bulk of this "novel." It's worse, considering how far off the rails this goes by the end.

Barely any personal conflict, and no resolution at all, make for a poor read.