A review by risky_oak
Five Patients by Michael Crichton, Jeffery Hudson

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Five Patients was Crichton's first non-fiction book I read this year. He wrote four in total. I read his other two last July ([b:Electronic Life: How to Think About Computers|341780|Electronic Life How to Think About Computers|Michael Crichton|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1577569186l/341780._SX50_.jpg|332143] & [b:Travels|7665|Travels|Michael Crichton|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1439923874l/7665._SY75_.jpg|856508]) and I'm still hunting down his most rare one [b:Jasper Johns|147656|Jasper Johns|Michael Crichton|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1387705828l/147656._SX50_.jpg|941846].

This book, as the title indicates tells the true stories of five patients at Massachusetts General Hospital, all admitted while Crichton was a medical student there.

This book tells Crichton's experiences as a doctor, the history of Massachusetts General Hospital, the general history of American medicine and hospitals,and of course, as I mentioned earlier, the personal stories of five patients their life and medical problems.

From the back cover's blurb:
«A construction worker is seriously injured in a scaffold collapse; a middle-aged dispatcher is brought in suffering from a fever that has reduced him to a delirious wreck; a young man nearly severs his hand in an accident; an airline traveller suffers chest pains; a mother of three is diagnosed with a life-threatening disease.»

These stories, and Crichton's experiences as a medical student and doctor in general, served as the main inspiration for his drama E.R. George Clooney was a protagonist in the 1st out of 15 seasons.

Even though I'm not a fan of medical dramas and medical non-fiction, I'm a fan of Crichton, so I ended up reading this book.
It also includes a 7-pages glossary and ten pages of bibliography, showing once more Crichton's dedication on each of his works.

I can't say I loved it, but it was certainly a great experience and of course I'm glad I have one more Crichton in my possession.