A review by leannelovesbooks
The Forgers by Bradford Morrow


This story centres around a man who is a rare book seller and specialist in detecting forgeries. He is also a forger himself. His brother in law is murdered and it centres around that and some mysterious letters he is receiving that have been written in the style of Arthur Conan Doyle.

I have only rated this 2 stars because the author has gone to a lot of trouble to describe forgery and the market for this. There has been a lot of research done. It is well written but it is so slow. The murder happens immediately and then it just goes on. Half way through he has had a couple of letters and that’s about it.

I am trying to push on with this but it’s likely that I won’t finish it. I really wanted to like this. It’s a book about books! The cover is nice (book spines) but I don’t really have much positive to say. I don’t like to not finish a book but I think that’s unfortunately what’s happening so this one.

**UPDATE** I managed to finish the book but I didn’t love it. The next interesting thing happened at the end. It’s a short book that took a month and a half to read and that says a lot!