A review by indigoblue777
My Plain Jane by Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows


4.5 stars
I loved this. I didn't expect to, but I loved this.

When I found out that the Lady Janies were going to write two more books together I was so excited. And then I found out that the next one would be a retelling of Jane Eyre. YESSSS! Jane Eyre is my favorite classic novel. My favorite part is the romance between Jane and Mr. Rochester.

As the months flew by and we got closer and closer to the release date, I learned more about the plot of the book, and I started to get nervous. I loved My Lady Jane, but I also didn't know anything about that part of history so the changes weren't very obvious. It was its own story.
Because My Plain Jane was based on literature, I knew everything about the source material. I was able to tell what they took directly from the book and what they added. I was afraid this would affect my perception of the retelling.

So the most important piece of advice I took when starting this book was:
Try to throw everything you know about Jane Eyre out the window.

What Stood Out:
-Charlotte Bronte and Alexander Blackwood: They're great new characters that take some time to grow on you, but will feel like they were always meant to be there by the end of the story.
-The ghosts and ghost hunting: The Lady Janies have shown that they are masters of creating new worlds and weaving new plot points to combine with the original storyline
Spoiler The possession with the pearls was GENIUS. What a plot twist!
-The romance: Even though there wasn't a lot of my favorite ship, there was still a healthy dose of romance with the other characters.
-Helen Burns: Her blunt remarks on Jane's choices reminded me of every reader who watches their favorite character make bad decisions. Half the time this was funny and relatable, the other half it was tiring.
'Why, Jane? That's a terrible idea!' 'I know, but I'm just going to do it anyway and ignore all of my instincts'
-The humor: This book definitely didn't make me laugh as much as My Lady Jane (probably because I miss the Shakespeare references). Maybe this is because I didn't understand some of the references, but I still had a couple good chuckles here and there.

Overall, I'm really glad I read this story. It's unique, fun, and exciting.

I can't wait to read [b:My Calamity Jane|31284532|My Calamity Jane (The Lady Janies, #3)|Cynthia Hand|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|51943420] when it comes out.