A review by graypeape
Gaawin Gindaaswin Ndaawsii/I Am Not A Number by Jenny Kay Dupuis, Kathy Kacer


I don't know where to begin. I'd heard vaguely about residential schools before, but I hadn't delved further into the subject. People, including children, need to learn about this. This book tells the story of Jenny Kay Dupuis' grandmother, Irene Couchie Dupuis, or as she was known in the school, #759. Can you imagine that, having even your name taken away from you? The impact of this story will stay with the reader, as it should.
The book is told both in English and in Nbisiing, a dialect of Anishnaabemwin, the language Irene was forbidden to speak at the school. The illustrations are evocative, and perfectly convey the emotion of the text. I urge educators to add this book to their class and school libraries, and I urge parents to read this with your children and discuss it with them. It's important.

#GaawinNiinNdooGindaaswisiiIAmNotANumber #NetGalley