A review by thogek
The Fury by Shane Gericke


I see The Fury often described as a "fast-paced, action-packed thriller", and it does deserve that description, likely to entertain most readers who enjoy such.

Personally, I found the high-level story construction—weaving together threads from the vicious world of Mexican drug cartels, U.S. border patrol, a massive deepwater oil-rig disaster, Chicago police, federal prison life, and an unexpected cache of super-deadly nerve gas with its own backstory—to fit together rather nicely and make for an interesting landscape on which for the story to maneuver.

The page-to-page writing, however, wasn't always as smooth, as some action-descriptions sometimes stumbled over bits of unclarity; the author's frequent use of action similies, mostly quick and amusing, would occasionally fall flat; and many points (mostly in the first half of the book) cried out in desperate need of a good editor, including little things like sudden scene-changes with no vertical separation or an occasional word missing or typoed.

Still, overall, it was a fun read, with its moments of humor and satisfaction, and will likely continue to entertain many fans of action-suspense novels.