A review by tomesproject
Captain Marvel, Volume 3: Alis Volat Propriis by Kelly Sue DeConnick


still very enjoyable, and i found the art in this volume particularly stunning. there were so many absolutely out of this world (ha - get it? because Captain Marvel is the intergalactic emissary for the Aveg--okay, I'm done) two page spreads accompanied by amazing classic-esk lettering and incredibly well thought out coloring.

visually: stunning

story-wise: not so stunning

I was overall very thrown by this. The first three issues are nice enough. There's a thin plot running through them (and when I say thin, I mean thiiinn) and they're good. But those last two issues I am very confused by. The last issue was clearly a way to wrap up this series of comics on Cap, but am I was reading it going AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHO THIS LADY IS AND/OR MOVED BY HER DEATH?
Spoilerand TBH I was really disappointed that we didn't see more of Rhodey/Danvers in the last issue as it was a) the last issue and b) her "coming home to Earth" issue
And issue #14 is clearly a part of some series that I don't follow, so I was skimming that issue, trying to grasp at anything I could understand.