A review by nharkins
Vagrant Queen Vol. 1 by Zakk Saam, Harry Saxon, Magdalene Visaggio, Jason Smith


Syfy is apparently making a show of this, so checked it out on comixology.

Art reminded me of old Matt Wagner at some points, which can be fun,
but the plot wasn't really interesting... UNTIL issue 4, which fills in
the backstory and paints both the good gal and bad guys more in
shades of grey than black and white. But after that, the ending
was somewhat hand-waved... BeforeILeaveYouToDieMrBond,
ProtagonistFisticuffsPrevailAgainstAnyOdds, etc.

I was somewhat surprised to see the "Queer" label on the tv show,
as the original material is not. I guess they added a new
character not in the graphic novel. Diversity is better than not,
but I'd much rather see it as an integral part of an original
thought-out story, rather than a character intended to represent
a demographic shoe-horned in by/for marketing. It's somewhat
ironic that the trailer features the lead character touting
how they "hate labels" (when asked to "identify themselves",
ok it's funny) --while the creators just slap them on.